Thursday, June 30, 2011

Finding my Balance!

Today I worked out for just over 2 hours. It was amazing. I took a one hour spin class followed by just over an hour of weights with a great friend/trainer. I was exhausted and exhilarated at the same time. By the end, I was done, but it was the best kind of done.

Now I'm back home and I'm looking at the pile of reading I need to catch up on. I'm thinking about the research topic I still need to figure out. Yesterday I was ahead in my classes, by this afternoon, I'm behind. That is the nature of summer term. It's like a roller coaster speeding down to the bottom only to slow to a crawl on the climb back up. Just when you think you've got it under control, the speed comes again. It's exhausting and I'm doing my best just to hang on for this ride.

Yesterday was Madeleine's birthday. I spent a couple of hours reading a couple of chapters in the morning, between giving her bike to her first thing in the morning and meeting her later on for pottery painting and the rest of the birthday festivities. It was wonderful and I wouldn't trade it for anything. These are the moments in life that you can't get back if you miss.

Yes, I know that all of life is like that, but if I was to die tomorrow, I would want to have spent today doing the important things, with the important people. I can't imagine saying "if only I had read one more chapter, or reviewed one more article". No that just doesn't seem that important to me.

Except when it is. Like now, when I only have 4 weeks left of this term and it is only getting crazier. I have to be disciplined to stay on top of my studies, on top of my fitness and still have fun with my family. Who knew Summer would be a full time job.

My favorite Dr. Seuss book is "Oh the Places You'll Go". In that book he says "Life's a great balancing act". True that Dr. Seuss, True that.

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