This year I had the opportunity to participate in The She Project. I had heard about it at a holiday party last winter and thought it sounded like a lot of fun. If you want to get the entire scoop you should google The She Project for the history. The condensed version is a bunch of women sign up and on a certain date there are phrases sent out to everyone who is playing and you respond to your phrase with whatever you are feeling at that particular moment in time. I could be a poem, a drawing, photos, etc. I figured it sounded really cool so I signed up and anxiously awaited my phrase to arrive last Friday.
When it finally came I was so excited. "She couldn't see that she was one of them." I took that to mean my inability to view myself as a runner. Sure I go out and run, sure I have the gear but I'm not a real runner. Real runners are fast. Real runners are in events, real runners are not me. So I scoured the house to see what I could come up with to fit into my pre-purchased 8x10 frame. First I found a bunch of race numbers. Then I found a bunch of race pins. From there I hauled out my old copies of "Runner's World". I scanned for inspiring photos or phrases I wanted to use. As I put it all together it occurred to me that wait a minute... who might have all this stuff? Why a real runner might. Huh, go figure. Anyway, this is what it looked like right before I proudly carried it down to the Corvallis Library.
There will be an artist reception next month and I am so excited to see it hanging in the library with so many other women. All of us in one single snapshot in time. I'm sure it will be amazing and humbling at the same time. I can hardly wait!
It looks great! Congratulations!!!!!