Friday, June 24, 2011

Move over NBC!

The Biggest Loser is no longer being held on NBC, nope not any more. It has been moved to the corner of 53rd and Bluestem. Pick your team, it's Boys v. Girls this season. Well, boy v. girl that is.

It happened like this. We were at my sisters for our usual plan of stealing their well prepared dinner. We haven't had to prepare our own food in weeks! As I'm casually brushing olive oil and rosemary onto our home made, smoked salmon pizza, Stafford says to me "so, are you still on a diet?" to which I, the ever sharp tongued sister, reply "are you calling me fat?". Seems kind of like a rude thing to ask when I'm brushing olive oil on a pizza. He stumbles through his "no, but if you want to be on a diet then I have a challenge."

Tell me more oh foolish boy, tell me more. The parameters aren't too great. 10 pounds by race day. Barrel to Keg race day that is which sounded great to both of us until Sarah pointed out that race day was one month from yesterday. We both looked at each other with the same panicked look to which Stafford blurted, um 8 pounds by race day.

So, that's how it happened. I'm yet again in a weight loss challenge. I love that there aren't even any prizes yet determined. I think we both just want an excuse to lose 10 pounds and this would give us the kick in the ass we need.

I'm pretty sure that I can lose close to that just by putting down the chip bag, re-corking my free flowing wine fridge and removing sugar as my main food group. All of which is easier said that done.

Prepare yourselves for some withdraw effected posts. They could get ugly.


  1. Putting olive oil on bread is healthy! But I do agree that removing the wine...and a smart way to go. :(
    Would you like a crazy pointer running partner???

  2. Ha ha! No I don't think I go fast enough for him. But thanks for the offer!
